Looking for AAPC Exam Training Center



                      The International Classification of Diseases is the most widely used system for medical coding in most nations (ICD). Every nation that is a member of the World Health Organization modifies the ICD to suit its own needs. Six official HIPAA-required code sets are now in use in the US and are used for various purposes.

AAPC Exam Training Center In Kerala

Assigning the appropriate codes to medical diagnoses, treatments, and procedures requires the use of medical coding, which is a crucial component of the healthcare system. As a result, the appropriate codes are utilised for billing and payment, and the correctness of the medical record is also ensured. Medical coding is also crucial for research since it may be used to spot patterns in healthcare, including the prevalence of diseases and modifications in treatment methods.

Transorze Solutions is an leading training institutes which provide assistance in Medical coding, Medical Scribing , Medical transcription etc. It is the direct training partner with NSDC which is indeed a major milestone. As on date, Transorze is the only HBPO training institute to have this privileged status. This partnership with NSDC shall even further enhance the commitment of Transorze to the younger generation.

Contact Details:
Phone No:- +91 9495833319
E- mail id:- tips.ashif@gmail.com


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